Widsom of the Hogg #65: If you want something done in the right way, do not suffer others who do it poorly, but instead do it yourself
Wisdom of the Hogg #1: Never pay extra for water
Wisdom of the Hogg #4: Use solid unscented bar soap to clean your dishes, as it contains the same basic ingredients as liquid dish soap - but is more concentrated. You will use it up less quickly, and save much money.
Wisdom of the Hogg #13: Many staple food items such a rice, flour, pasta, corn meal, dried beans and lentils, and others which keep well for long periods of time are cheaper to purchase per gram in bulk, or in the largest available package size. One must always compare the price per gram when choosing between packages of many sizes for shelf-stable foods
Wisdom of the Hogg #14: It is often cheaper and produces a higher quality product to make certain foods yourself, such as pancake and waffle mixes, tortillas, bread, fries, salad dressings, and other prepared food items
Wisdom of the Hogg #42: Left over dregs of jam from a jam jar, or the syrup left over from canned fruit, may be mixed with water and simmered into a fruit syrup - useful for pancakes, scones, teas, and other snacks requiring syrups
Wisdom of the Hogg #60: It is advisable that one should have certain food items which one is willing to pay more for a higher quality or instead go without if it is currently unaffordable, items such as real maple syrup (never corn syrup), tea, and soy sauce (akways from the asian market, and not western store brand - the taste difference is remarkable), otherwise one shall suffer a feeling of deprivation from always purchasing the cheapest goods, which is not good for morale
Wisdom of the Hogg #68: One should always do their product research before making a purchase
Wisdom of the Hogg #68.1: It is advisable, when purchasing appliances, home goods, or other purchases of useful things which will see great use, to seek out the products which are of high quality, it is acceptable to spend a little extra money on a higher quality item to save money in the long run on replacements if it breaks down, or maintenance
Wisdom of the Hogg #68.2: Markers of quality include; no or few seams (easier to clean and no mold), no or few plastic parts (plastic is easy to break, soil, or snap)
Wisdom of the Hogg #68.3: Do not fall for items which bear a high price, price is often not a marker of quality, and items of a middling price point will often be just as good or better than an overpriced product, provided you do your research
Wisdom of the Hogg #38: If a user's posting about situations in general offends, and you feel the urge to ask a question which relates to your specific circumstances not addressed by the post, you are under the influence of demonic energy, and to engage in this folly would be unwise
Wisdom of the Hogg #423: Should you feel in yourself the desire to correct a user who is posting badly or incorrect information, resist the tempation to correct them. This is the influence of demonic energy
Wisdom of the Hogg #98: Do not seek out the company of others who enjoy the same tv shows, or bands, or movies, or books that you like, their opinions shall be wrong, and will ruin the object of your admiration
Wisdom of the Hogg #108: Always wash hands after you pee
Wisdom of the Hogg #54: Be careful when using kitchen knives